Our School History

The Alberton Primary School which opened in 1858, carries the honour of holding the number one on the register of state schools in Victoria.

A Brief History of Alberton

Alberton township was surveyed in 1842 and named after Prince Albert, the husband of Queen Victoria. Initially the township consisted of two settlements, one named Alberton and the other named Victoria, which were separated by Victoria Street (renamed Brewery Road in 1847).

The Alberton Primary School which opened in 1858, carries the honour of holding the number one on the register of state schools in Victoria. Alberton Post Office opened on 10 January 1856..An earlier Alberton Post Office opened in 1842 was later renamed Port Albert.

The town's population grew steadily. Stores, hotels, and churches were built, as well as the Police Magistrate and Court of Petty Sessions. By the 1880s the town's growth stagnated. The announcement of a new railway line increased growth, with new houses and factories being built. Shire Offices were planned for the town, but in 1897 the location was changed to nearby Yarram. This led to many businesses moving to Yarram, and by 1921 the railway had been extended there.