Student Leadership & School Values

Our core values of respect, empathy, pride and effort are used to support our students in becoming positive citizens within their community.

Student Leadership

Alberton Primary School encourages all students to be leaders and take on some responsibilities during their time at school. Opportunities to take part in Student Leadership include the following:

  • A Leadership Team consisting of the School Captains and Vice Captains and the Student Representative Council
  • A two day leadership camp for all Grade 6 students
  • Prep to Grade 6 taking an active role in setting goals for themselves with regard to behavior, effort and community
  • A Buddy Program to build student confidence and self-esteem for all students from Prep to Grade 6
  • A Breakfast Club run by the SRC two days a week where students set up, serve and clean. Students are rostered on for one day per week and the money raised goes to a charity that they determine.
  • Community Involvement through personal banking, shopping for the school, messages and deliveries, and helping with the school lunches one day a week.

Core Values and Vision

Alberton Primary School is a learning community where inspiration, team work and respect support the pursuit of excellence.

As members of this learning community we work to improve all student outcomes, promote respectful relationships and develop connections to the school.

Our School Values

Pride: Representing your school and having a feeling of satisfaction about yourself, your team, your school and your work.
Effort : Not giving up, having a go and trying your best in everything you do, even when its challenging.
Empathy: Understanding how people are feeling during good and bad times and showing you care about them.
Respect: Wearing a tidy uniform, showing consideration and politeness whatever situation you are in and treating others how you want to be treated.

School Assemblies

Assemblies are held every Monday at 9.00am and Friday afternoon at 3.05pm. These assemblies take place in the Central Learning Area and parents are most welcome to attend.

Our student leaders conduct these assemblies and we see them as an important part of the school culture, welfare and development of students. This is also an opportunity for the school to recognise and acknowledge the achievements of our students.

You can download a copy of the Alberton Promise and the Australian National Anthem here.