Our Curriculum

Alberton Primary School prioritizes Literacy and Numeracy & has a purpose built Science and Art building.

The broad and balanced educational program provided throughout Alberton Primary school is based on The Victorian Curriculum F–10 which includes eight learning areas. These are the learning areas of:

  • English
  • Health & Physical Education
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Languages
  • The Arts
  • The Humanities
  • Technologies

More information about The Victorian Curriculum F–10 can be obtained by clicking here.

Literacy and Numeracy

Alberton Primary School prioritizes Literacy and Numeracy in its Strategic Plan.

Students across all year levels are individually monitored in both subjects and there is extra support available in the classroom for developing readers, writers and mathematicians. Alberton Primary's reading program includes classroom tasks to build skills, whole school reading sessions, participation in the Premier's Reading Challenge and a 1:1 strategic reading intervention program. Small group support is also provided for mathematics students.


Alberton Primary has a purpose built Science area and science has been a core curriculum subject for the past 5 years.

Our resources are second to none and our children benefit from Robotics equipment for all grades, learning to use digital microscopes and also visiting specialists from the local secondary college.

Gifted and Talented Children

Our school policy is to direct learning tasks at the individual student's level. Teachers regularly assess student ability in different subjects and design curriculum to cater for and extend the student's learning. Learning is based on open ended activities designed to challenge and extend children's thinking. This approach ensures that children are engaged and developing their skills continuously. It caters for all students of differing abilities. Our children have also participated in programs run by Federation University to extend their skills and challenge their thinking.

Project Based Learning

Project Based Learning is where students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging and complex question, problem, or challenge. This inquiry method of learning has been very popular and the children have been enthralled by the range of topics available to them. One example was the investigation into Mosaics and then the designing and making of their own mosaic tile. These have been made into a display wall at the school. The children also revamped the Alberton Primary School Newsletter and now make a movie of their weekly classroom activities and publish it for the school community via a QR Code. PBL runs twice a week and is highly anticipated by the children.

Reporting to Parents

School reports are issued twice a year in June and December. Parent—Teacher Interviews are also conducted in Term 1 and Term 3.

If you have any concerns about your child’s progress at any other time you are encouraged to discuss your concerns with their teacher. This is best arranged by a telephone call to arrange an appointment that is mutually convenient to you and the teacher.