Enrichment & Extracurricular Programs

In addition to the core curriculum, our school provides a range of enrichment & extracurricular programs.


School Camps are part of the education program for Grades 2 - 6 students. They give students the opportunity to experience living away from the family, to learn the need for co-operation, to use self-reliance as well as seeing different environments and practising some skills learned at school. Our camps program also assists students to transition to the next level of their education.

Currently, Grade 2 students have a “School Sleepover” during Term 4 while Grades 3 – 6 students enjoy a three day camp where they can develop peer and school connections, explore educational themes and develop their self-esteem.


Students participate in sports lessons throughout the week as part of our curriculum. They are able to participate in our own Alberton Primary School Athletics Day, District Athletics, Swimming and Cross Country Competitions with the opportunity to go onto the next level in each area.

As part of our curriculum, our school runs an Intensive Swimming Instruction Program where the students are bussed to a nearby pool and taught Swimming Techniques in a small group. These lessons are pitched at the student's level.

Visual Art

Our school is very fortunate to have a great Art facility. Visual Art is one of our rotation subjects and all students take part in these classes. Student work is displayed in the entry to our school and our Central Learning Area.

We also have an Annual Art Show which is open to the public in Semester Two. Students are also encouraged to enter their Art Work in the Yarram and District Agricultural Show each year.


We also have a very well-resourced Music program that involves children in all Grades. See the Music Page for more information.
All children experience stage performance on a small or larger scale and are encouraged to enjoy this part of the music program as well.


Each year Grade 6 students have the opportunity to be a 'buddy' for a Grade Prep student. A relationship is developed between the two and this provides the Prep students with someone to support them in and out of the classroom. At the same time it develops important communication and leadership skills in the Grade 6 student.

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club is held on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings between 8.25am and 8.55am during Terms 2 and 3. This year children have been able to attend without charge and they can have cereal, toast, juice and fruit. This club is fully supervised by a teacher and our SRC assist also.

Students with Disabilities

Our school has an established program for students with disabilities which caters specifically for their needs. Each student has an Individual Learning Program designed for them and extra staff allocated to each room. Our class sizes are small and all children are catered for in our curriculum program.


Each classroom has its own garden where an assortment of vegetables, herbs and flowers are grown. Children cook with the produce grown in their garden. We also have two chooks that reside at the school.


Our school is a sustainable school. We are very conscious of rubbish disposal as we like our playground to be very clean and neat. Our rubbish is separated to make the most of recycling. We also have solar power to supplement our electricity usage and a rainwater tank for collection and storage of water. Surplus energy is fed into the grid. We also monitor our water consumption and can detect when there is a spike in usage.

Before and After School Care

Alberton Primary School has a Before and After School Care facility provided for students. This is run on the school grounds and families are required to make bookings with the office or the carer. The service is provided by Uniting Care and is only available to children attending the school. A Vacation Program also operates for the children.