Instrumental Music

We have a very well-resourced Music program that involves children in all Grades.

Opportunities for students to participate in the Music Program are as follows:

  • Grades Prep to 2 Music is based on singing, rhythm and some notation.
  • Grade Three students learn the guitar using the school’s guitars.
  • Grades Four to Six students can elect to have weekly individual Music Lessons. They can learn Bass and Lead Guitar, Trumpet, Trombone, Drums, Keyboard and Singing. They can also hire the school’s instruments.
  • Children who take lessons can also play in the School Rock Band which rehearses weekly.
  • There is a concert at the end of each term where individuals, groups and the band play. We also join with other schools for Combined Band Days and tour with the band to visit other schools with a music program.

All children experience stage performance on a small or larger scale and are encouraged to enjoy this part of the music program as well.

Yarram Eisteddfod

Each year the school enters into the Yarram and District Eisteddfod. The APS Rock Band is well recognised. As well, all students take part in both the Group Singing and the Choral Verse for their age group. This is a lot of fun for the children and they have been very successful. There are also opportunities for individuals and small groups to enter and show off their talents.